Dangers of Artificial Intelligence Warning
Bletchley Park (UK) was the epicenter of a historic global summit that brought together leaders from 29 countries, including the United States, China, India, and several members of the European Union, to discuss the risks and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI).
USA. U.S. Takes Historic Step Toward Regulating Artificial Intelligence
The President of the United States, Joe Biden, is preparing to sign a landmark executive order that will mark a milestone in the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). This executive order represents a comprehensive, multilateral approach to addressing the challenges and risks associated with the advancement of AI.
Google’s artificial intelligence accelerates the identification of disease-causing genes
AlphaMissense, an artificial intelligence tool developed by DeepMind, a Google artificial intelligence company, is helping to speed up the identification of disease-causing regions in human DNA.
AI takes a step closer to human generalization
In a groundbreaking development, researchers at New York University and Pompeu Fabra University have unlocked the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to mimic human-style generalization based on learning.
Revolutionary technologies for a sustainable future
In a groundbreaking development, researchers from New York University and Pompeu Fabra University have unlocked the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) tools to mimic human-like generalization based on what they learn.
Uncertainty in Europe: Rising oil prices and the path to sustainable energy
The European continent is in a state of uncertainty as oil prices continue to soar. Far from discouraging, this situation has created a sense of urgency in the search for sustainable solutions.
AI: Moving toward an unthinkable future
As we approach the end of 2023, the world of artificial intelligence (AI) is experiencing an unprecedented boom. Trends and advances in the field promise a future beyond our imagination.
Careers that will shape the future of artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already a part of everyday life, and the careers of the future are built on the ability to learn and adapt quickly to this revolutionary technology. From chatbots that process online orders to personal assistants on our phones, AI is everywhere.
AI: Moving toward an unthinkable future
As we approach the end of 2023, the world of artificial intelligence (AI) is experiencing an unprecedented boom. Trends and advances in the field promise a future beyond our imagination.
SpaceX raises the stakes: Launch of 22 Starlink satellites to boost global connectivity
SpaceX, the aerospace manufacturing pioneer led by Elon Musk, is gearing up for another impressive satellite launch as part of its ambitious Starlink project.
Adobe lanza una credencial de contenido para distinguir la IA del trabajo artístico humano
In a world where artificial intelligence is increasingly taking over our digital lives, Adobe has taken a revolutionary step to help ensure the authenticity of images and text. In collaboration with the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), Adobe has introduced the Content Credential, a symbol that will become the beacon of authenticity in the digital world.
Tendencias Económicas en Colombia: Superar los Retos en el Horizonte
La economía colombiana se enfrenta a múltiples retos en el último trimestre del año. Entre ellos destacan la posibilidad de un fuerte fenómeno de El Niño, la desaceleración económica, la inestabilidad del dólar y el aumento de la inflación. Estos factores generan preocupación tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
EPIK: La IA que convierte fotos en estudiantes de los 90 y compromete la seguridad
En los últimos días, es probable que hayas visto a conocidos o famosos luciendo un look sacado directamente de un anuario americano de los años noventa. Todo gracias a EPIK, la aplicación de moda que convierte fotos actuales en auténticas joyas retro.
Impacto en la economía local: El precio del dólar en Colombia supera los 4.400 dólares
En el último día hábil de esta semana, se han registrado movimientos significativos en el mercado local de divisas en Colombia, con el precio del dólar superando los $4.400. Estas cifras reflejan las tendencias alcistas de los últimos días y el fortalecimiento de la divisa estadounidense en los mercados internacionales.